Crimes unpunished

In the last decade of the existence of the Polish People’s Republic, ten priests known for their opposition activities died violently. Only the torturers of Fr. Popiełuszko appeared in court.

It is quite surprising that the closer it was to the end of the Polish People’s Republic, the more often such tragedies occurred. There are two scenarios for these stories. The first is similar to the case of Father Jerzy. a rebellious priest is warned for some time by anonymous letters and telephone calls. Then it happens that unknown perpetrators attack and beat him. If he still “doesn’t draw conclusions,” tragedy occurs. The second scenario can be called “revenge after many years.” It concerns older priests who were once a thorn in the side of the communist state services, and then, because they were sick, they no longer engaged in opposition activities. The tragic ending is either “an unhappy accident” or “a robbery, a bandit attack.” In the 1980s, such events occurred almost every year.

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Leszek Śliwa Leszek Śliwa Zastępca sekretarza redakcji „Gościa Niedzielnego”. Prowadzi także stałą rubrykę, w której analizuje malarstwo religijne. Ukończył historię oraz kulturoznawstwo na Uniwersytecie Śląskim. Przez rok uczył historii w liceum. Przez 10 lat pracował w „Gazecie Wyborczej”, najpierw jako dziennikarz sportowy, a potem jako kierownik działu kultury w oddziale katowickim. W „Gościu” pracuje od 2002 r. Autor pierwszej w Polsce biografii papieża Franciszka i kilku książek poświęconych malarstwu.