The first pilgrimages of working people to Jasna Góra were a social and religious phenomenon. Although their initiator, Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko, took part in only two of them, to this day they are associated with the steadfast spirit of the patron of Solidarity.
Despite persecution and repression, representatives of various professional groups, underground Solidarity structures, opposition and independence organisations went to the Black Madonna to ask Her for freedom for the fatherland and respect for the dignity of working people, as well as to demonstrate their attachment to the ideals they shared. When the socio-political reality changed, pilgrimages of working people became a collective declaration of faith and a source of strengthening unity.
To dla nas sygnał, że cenisz rzetelne dziennikarstwo jakościowe. Czytaj, oglądaj i słuchaj nas bez ograniczeń.
Magdalena Dobrzyniak
Dziennikarka, redaktor portalu „Gościa Niedzielnego”. Absolwentka teatrologii na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim i podyplomowych studiów edytorskich na Uniwersytecie Pedagogicznym w Krakowie. W mediach katolickich pracuje od 1997 roku. Wykładała dziennikarstwo na Uniwersytecie Papieskim Jana Pawła II w Krakowie. Autorka książek „Nie mój Kościół” (z bp. Damianem Muskusem OFM) oraz „Bezbronni dorośli w Kościele” (z o. Tomaszem Francem OP).